path.h File Reference
#include <winpr/winpr.h>
#include <winpr/tchar.h>
#include <winpr/error.h>
#include <winpr/wtypes.h>


#define PATHCCH_ALLOW_LONG_PATHS    0x00000001 /* Allow building of \\?\ paths if longer than MAX_PATH */
#define VOLUME_PREFIX   _T("\\\\?\\Volume")
#define VOLUME_PREFIX_LEN   ((sizeof(VOLUME_PREFIX) / sizeof(TCHAR)) - 1)
#define PATHCCH_MAX_CCH   0x8000
#define PathCchAddBackslash   PathCchAddBackslashA
#define PathCchRemoveBackslash   PathCchRemoveBackslashA
#define PathCchAddBackslashEx   PathCchAddBackslashExA
#define PathCchRemoveBackslashEx   PathCchRemoveBackslashExA
#define PathCchAddExtension   PathCchAddExtensionA
#define PathCchAppend   PathCchAppendA
#define PathCchAppendEx   PathCchAppendExA
#define PathCchCanonicalize   PathCchCanonicalizeA
#define PathCchCanonicalizeEx   PathCchCanonicalizeExA
#define PathAllocCanonicalize   PathAllocCanonicalizeA
#define PathCchCombine   PathCchCombineA
#define PathCchCombineEx   PathCchCombineExA
#define PathAllocCombine   PathAllocCombineA
#define PathCchFindExtension   PathCchFindExtensionA
#define PathCchRenameExtension   PathCchRenameExtensionA
#define PathCchRemoveExtension   PathCchRemoveExtensionA
#define PathCchIsRoot   PathCchIsRootA
#define PathIsUNCEx   PathIsUNCExA
#define PathCchSkipRoot   PathCchSkipRootA
#define PathCchStripToRoot   PathCchStripToRootA
#define PathCchStripPrefix   PathCchStripPrefixA
#define PathCchRemoveFileSpec   PathCchRemoveFileSpecA
#define PathCchAddSlash   PathCchAddSlashA
#define PathCchAddSlashEx   PathCchAddSlashExA
#define UnixPathCchAddExtension   UnixPathCchAddExtensionA
#define UnixPathCchAppend   UnixPathCchAppendA
#define UnixPathAllocCombine   UnixPathAllocCombineA
#define PathCchAddSeparator   PathCchAddSeparatorA
#define PathCchAddSeparatorEx   PathCchAddSeparatorExA
#define NativePathCchAddExtension   NativePathCchAddExtensionA
#define NativePathCchAppend   NativePathCchAppendA
#define NativePathAllocCombine   NativePathAllocCombineA
#define PATH_STYLE_WINDOWS   0x00000001
#define PATH_STYLE_UNIX   0x00000002
#define PATH_STYLE_NATIVE   0x00000003
#define PATH_SHARED_LIB_EXT_WITH_DOT   0x00000001
#define PATH_SHARED_LIB_EXT_APPLE_SO   0x00000002
#define PATH_SHARED_LIB_EXT_EXPLICIT   0x80000000
#define PATH_SHARED_LIB_EXT_EXPLICIT_SO   0x80000002
#define PathCchConvertStyle   PathCchConvertStyleA
#define PathGetSeparator   PathGetSeparatorW
#define PathGetSharedLibraryExtension   PathGetSharedLibraryExtensionA
#define KNOWN_PATH_HOME   1
#define KNOWN_PATH_TEMP   2
#define PathFileExists   PathFileExistsA
#define PathIsDirectoryEmpty   PathIsDirectoryEmptyA


WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddBackslashA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddBackslashW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveBackslashA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveBackslashW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddBackslashExA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PSTR *ppszEnd, size_t *pcchRemaining)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddBackslashExW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PWSTR *ppszEnd, size_t *pcchRemaining)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveBackslashExA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PSTR *ppszEnd, size_t *pcchRemaining)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveBackslashExW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PWSTR *ppszEnd, size_t *pcchRemaining)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddExtensionA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCSTR pszExt)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddExtensionW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCWSTR pszExt)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAppendA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCSTR pszMore)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAppendW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCWSTR pszMore)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAppendExA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCSTR pszMore, unsigned long dwFlags)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAppendExW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCWSTR pszMore, unsigned long dwFlags)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCanonicalizeA (PSTR pszPathOut, size_t cchPathOut, PCSTR pszPathIn)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCanonicalizeW (PWSTR pszPathOut, size_t cchPathOut, PCWSTR pszPathIn)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCanonicalizeExA (PSTR pszPathOut, size_t cchPathOut, PCSTR pszPathIn, unsigned long dwFlags)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCanonicalizeExW (PWSTR pszPathOut, size_t cchPathOut, PCWSTR pszPathIn, unsigned long dwFlags)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathAllocCanonicalizeA (PCSTR pszPathIn, unsigned long dwFlags, PSTR *ppszPathOut)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathAllocCanonicalizeW (PCWSTR pszPathIn, unsigned long dwFlags, PWSTR *ppszPathOut)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCombineA (PSTR pszPathOut, size_t cchPathOut, PCSTR pszPathIn, PCSTR pszMore)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCombineW (PWSTR pszPathOut, size_t cchPathOut, PCWSTR pszPathIn, PCWSTR pszMore)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCombineExA (PSTR pszPathOut, size_t cchPathOut, PCSTR pszPathIn, PCSTR pszMore, unsigned long dwFlags)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCombineExW (PWSTR pszPathOut, size_t cchPathOut, PCWSTR pszPathIn, PCWSTR pszMore, unsigned long dwFlags)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathAllocCombineA (PCSTR pszPathIn, PCSTR pszMore, unsigned long dwFlags, PSTR *ppszPathOut)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathAllocCombineW (PCWSTR pszPathIn, PCWSTR pszMore, unsigned long dwFlags, PWSTR *ppszPathOut)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchFindExtensionA (PCSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCSTR *ppszExt)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchFindExtensionW (PCWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCWSTR *ppszExt)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRenameExtensionA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCSTR pszExt)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRenameExtensionW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCWSTR pszExt)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveExtensionA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveExtensionW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API BOOL PathIsUNCExA (PCSTR pszPath, PCSTR *ppszServer)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchSkipRootA (PCSTR pszPath, PCSTR *ppszRootEnd)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchSkipRootW (PCWSTR pszPath, PCWSTR *ppszRootEnd)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchStripToRootA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchStripToRootW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchStripPrefixA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchStripPrefixW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveFileSpecA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveFileSpecW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSlashA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSlashW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSlashExA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PSTR *ppszEnd, size_t *pcchRemaining)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSlashExW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PWSTR *ppszEnd, size_t *pcchRemaining)
WINPR_API HRESULT UnixPathCchAddExtensionA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCSTR pszExt)
WINPR_API HRESULT UnixPathCchAddExtensionW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCWSTR pszExt)
WINPR_API HRESULT UnixPathCchAppendA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCSTR pszMore)
WINPR_API HRESULT UnixPathCchAppendW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCWSTR pszMore)
WINPR_API HRESULT UnixPathAllocCombineA (PCSTR pszPathIn, PCSTR pszMore, unsigned long dwFlags, PSTR *ppszPathOut)
WINPR_API HRESULT UnixPathAllocCombineW (PCWSTR pszPathIn, PCWSTR pszMore, unsigned long dwFlags, PWSTR *ppszPathOut)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSeparatorA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSeparatorW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSeparatorExA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PSTR *ppszEnd, size_t *pcchRemaining)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSeparatorExW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PWSTR *ppszEnd, size_t *pcchRemaining)
WINPR_API HRESULT NativePathCchAddExtensionA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCSTR pszExt)
WINPR_API HRESULT NativePathCchAddExtensionW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCWSTR pszExt)
WINPR_API HRESULT NativePathCchAppendA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCSTR pszMore)
WINPR_API HRESULT NativePathCchAppendW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, PCWSTR pszMore)
WINPR_API HRESULT NativePathAllocCombineA (PCSTR pszPathIn, PCSTR pszMore, unsigned long dwFlags, PSTR *ppszPathOut)
WINPR_API HRESULT NativePathAllocCombineW (PCWSTR pszPathIn, PCWSTR pszMore, unsigned long dwFlags, PWSTR *ppszPathOut)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchConvertStyleA (PSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, unsigned long dwFlags)
WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchConvertStyleW (PWSTR pszPath, size_t cchPath, unsigned long dwFlags)
WINPR_API char PathGetSeparatorA (unsigned long dwFlags)
WINPR_API WCHAR PathGetSeparatorW (unsigned long dwFlags)
WINPR_API PCSTR PathGetSharedLibraryExtensionA (unsigned long dwFlags)
WINPR_API PCWSTR PathGetSharedLibraryExtensionW (unsigned long dwFlags)
WINPR_API const char * GetKnownPathIdString (int id)
WINPR_API char * GetKnownPath (int id)
WINPR_API char * GetKnownSubPath (int id, const char *path)
WINPR_API char * GetEnvironmentPath (char *name)
WINPR_API char * GetEnvironmentSubPath (char *name, const char *path)
WINPR_API char * GetCombinedPath (const char *basePath, const char *subPath)
WINPR_API BOOL PathIsRelativeA (LPCSTR pszPath)
WINPR_API BOOL PathIsRelativeW (LPCWSTR pszPath)
WINPR_API BOOL PathFileExistsA (LPCSTR pszPath)
WINPR_API BOOL PathFileExistsW (LPCWSTR pszPath)
WINPR_API BOOL PathIsDirectoryEmptyA (LPCSTR pszPath)
WINPR_API BOOL PathIsDirectoryEmptyW (LPCWSTR pszPath)
WINPR_API BOOL winpr_MoveFile (LPCSTR lpExistingFileName, LPCSTR lpNewFileName)
WINPR_API BOOL winpr_MoveFileEx (LPCSTR lpExistingFileName, LPCSTR lpNewFileName, DWORD dwFlags)
WINPR_API BOOL winpr_DeleteFile (const char *lpFileName)
WINPR_API BOOL winpr_RemoveDirectory (LPCSTR lpPathName)
WINPR_API BOOL winpr_RemoveDirectory_RecursiveA (LPCSTR lpPathName)
WINPR_API BOOL winpr_RemoveDirectory_RecursiveW (LPCWSTR lpPathName)
WINPR_API BOOL winpr_PathFileExists (const char *pszPath)
WINPR_API BOOL winpr_PathMakePath (const char *path, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpAttributes)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define KNOWN_PATH_HOME   1

Shell Path Functions


#define KNOWN_PATH_TEMP   2









◆ NativePathAllocCombine

#define NativePathAllocCombine   NativePathAllocCombineA

◆ NativePathCchAddExtension

#define NativePathCchAddExtension   NativePathCchAddExtensionA

◆ NativePathCchAppend

#define NativePathCchAppend   NativePathCchAppendA


#define PATH_SHARED_LIB_EXT_APPLE_SO   0x00000002


#define PATH_SHARED_LIB_EXT_EXPLICIT   0x80000000






#define PATH_SHARED_LIB_EXT_EXPLICIT_SO   0x80000002


#define PATH_SHARED_LIB_EXT_WITH_DOT   0x00000001


#define PATH_STYLE_NATIVE   0x00000003


#define PATH_STYLE_UNIX   0x00000002


#define PATH_STYLE_WINDOWS   0x00000001

◆ PathAllocCanonicalize

#define PathAllocCanonicalize   PathAllocCanonicalizeA

◆ PathAllocCombine

#define PathAllocCombine   PathAllocCombineA


#define PATHCCH_ALLOW_LONG_PATHS    0x00000001 /* Allow building of \\?\ paths if longer than MAX_PATH */

WinPR: Windows Portable Runtime Path Functions

Copyright 2012 Marc-Andre Moreau

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


#define PATHCCH_MAX_CCH   0x8000

◆ PathCchAddBackslash

#define PathCchAddBackslash   PathCchAddBackslashA

◆ PathCchAddBackslashEx

#define PathCchAddBackslashEx   PathCchAddBackslashExA

◆ PathCchAddExtension

#define PathCchAddExtension   PathCchAddExtensionA

◆ PathCchAddSeparator

#define PathCchAddSeparator   PathCchAddSeparatorA

◆ PathCchAddSeparatorEx

#define PathCchAddSeparatorEx   PathCchAddSeparatorExA

◆ PathCchAddSlash

#define PathCchAddSlash   PathCchAddSlashA

◆ PathCchAddSlashEx

#define PathCchAddSlashEx   PathCchAddSlashExA

◆ PathCchAppend

#define PathCchAppend   PathCchAppendA

◆ PathCchAppendEx

#define PathCchAppendEx   PathCchAppendExA

◆ PathCchCanonicalize

#define PathCchCanonicalize   PathCchCanonicalizeA

◆ PathCchCanonicalizeEx

#define PathCchCanonicalizeEx   PathCchCanonicalizeExA

◆ PathCchCombine

#define PathCchCombine   PathCchCombineA

◆ PathCchCombineEx

#define PathCchCombineEx   PathCchCombineExA

◆ PathCchConvertStyle

#define PathCchConvertStyle   PathCchConvertStyleA

◆ PathCchFindExtension

#define PathCchFindExtension   PathCchFindExtensionA

◆ PathCchIsRoot

#define PathCchIsRoot   PathCchIsRootA

◆ PathCchRemoveBackslash

#define PathCchRemoveBackslash   PathCchRemoveBackslashA

◆ PathCchRemoveBackslashEx

#define PathCchRemoveBackslashEx   PathCchRemoveBackslashExA

◆ PathCchRemoveExtension

#define PathCchRemoveExtension   PathCchRemoveExtensionA

◆ PathCchRemoveFileSpec

#define PathCchRemoveFileSpec   PathCchRemoveFileSpecA

◆ PathCchRenameExtension

#define PathCchRenameExtension   PathCchRenameExtensionA

◆ PathCchSkipRoot

#define PathCchSkipRoot   PathCchSkipRootA

◆ PathCchStripPrefix

#define PathCchStripPrefix   PathCchStripPrefixA

◆ PathCchStripToRoot

#define PathCchStripToRoot   PathCchStripToRootA

◆ PathFileExists

#define PathFileExists   PathFileExistsA

◆ PathGetSeparator

#define PathGetSeparator   PathGetSeparatorW

◆ PathGetSharedLibraryExtension

#define PathGetSharedLibraryExtension   PathGetSharedLibraryExtensionA

◆ PathIsDirectoryEmpty

#define PathIsDirectoryEmpty   PathIsDirectoryEmptyA

◆ PathIsUNCEx

#define PathIsUNCEx   PathIsUNCExA

◆ UnixPathAllocCombine

#define UnixPathAllocCombine   UnixPathAllocCombineA

◆ UnixPathCchAddExtension

#define UnixPathCchAddExtension   UnixPathCchAddExtensionA

◆ UnixPathCchAppend

#define UnixPathCchAppend   UnixPathCchAppendA


#define VOLUME_PREFIX   _T("\\\\?\\Volume")


#define VOLUME_PREFIX_LEN   ((sizeof(VOLUME_PREFIX) / sizeof(TCHAR)) - 1)

Function Documentation

◆ GetCombinedPath()

WINPR_API char* GetCombinedPath ( const char *  basePath,
const char *  subPath 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetEnvironmentPath()

WINPR_API char* GetEnvironmentPath ( char *  name)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetEnvironmentSubPath()

WINPR_API char* GetEnvironmentSubPath ( char *  name,
const char *  path 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetKnownPath()

WINPR_API char* GetKnownPath ( int  id)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetKnownPathIdString()

WINPR_API const char* GetKnownPathIdString ( int  id)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetKnownSubPath()

WINPR_API char* GetKnownSubPath ( int  id,
const char *  path 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ NativePathAllocCombineA()

WINPR_API HRESULT NativePathAllocCombineA ( PCSTR  pszPathIn,
PCSTR  pszMore,
unsigned long  dwFlags,
PSTR *  ppszPathOut 

◆ NativePathAllocCombineW()

WINPR_API HRESULT NativePathAllocCombineW ( PCWSTR  pszPathIn,
PCWSTR  pszMore,
unsigned long  dwFlags,
PWSTR *  ppszPathOut 

◆ NativePathCchAddExtensionA()

WINPR_API HRESULT NativePathCchAddExtensionA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCSTR  pszExt 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ NativePathCchAddExtensionW()

WINPR_API HRESULT NativePathCchAddExtensionW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCWSTR  pszExt 

◆ NativePathCchAppendA()

WINPR_API HRESULT NativePathCchAppendA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCSTR  pszMore 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ NativePathCchAppendW()

WINPR_API HRESULT NativePathCchAppendW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCWSTR  pszMore 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathAllocCanonicalizeA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathAllocCanonicalizeA ( PCSTR  pszPathIn,
unsigned long  dwFlags,
PSTR *  ppszPathOut 

◆ PathAllocCanonicalizeW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathAllocCanonicalizeW ( PCWSTR  pszPathIn,
unsigned long  dwFlags,
PWSTR *  ppszPathOut 

◆ PathAllocCombineA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathAllocCombineA ( PCSTR  pszPathIn,
PCSTR  pszMore,
unsigned long  dwFlags,
PSTR *  ppszPathOut 

◆ PathAllocCombineW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathAllocCombineW ( PCWSTR  pszPathIn,
PCWSTR  pszMore,
unsigned long  dwFlags,
PWSTR *  ppszPathOut 

◆ PathCchAddBackslashA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddBackslashA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathCchAddBackslashExA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddBackslashExA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PSTR *  ppszEnd,
size_t *  pcchRemaining 

◆ PathCchAddBackslashExW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddBackslashExW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PWSTR *  ppszEnd,
size_t *  pcchRemaining 

◆ PathCchAddBackslashW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddBackslashW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 

◆ PathCchAddExtensionA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddExtensionA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCSTR  pszExt 

◆ PathCchAddExtensionW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddExtensionW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCWSTR  pszExt 

◆ PathCchAddSeparatorA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSeparatorA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 

◆ PathCchAddSeparatorExA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSeparatorExA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PSTR *  ppszEnd,
size_t *  pcchRemaining 

◆ PathCchAddSeparatorExW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSeparatorExW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PWSTR *  ppszEnd,
size_t *  pcchRemaining 

◆ PathCchAddSeparatorW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSeparatorW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 

◆ PathCchAddSlashA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSlashA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 

◆ PathCchAddSlashExA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSlashExA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PSTR *  ppszEnd,
size_t *  pcchRemaining 

◆ PathCchAddSlashExW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSlashExW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PWSTR *  ppszEnd,
size_t *  pcchRemaining 

◆ PathCchAddSlashW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAddSlashW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 

◆ PathCchAppendA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAppendA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCSTR  pszMore 

◆ PathCchAppendExA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAppendExA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCSTR  pszMore,
unsigned long  dwFlags 

◆ PathCchAppendExW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAppendExW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCWSTR  pszMore,
unsigned long  dwFlags 

◆ PathCchAppendW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchAppendW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCWSTR  pszMore 

◆ PathCchCanonicalizeA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCanonicalizeA ( PSTR  pszPathOut,
size_t  cchPathOut,
PCSTR  pszPathIn 

◆ PathCchCanonicalizeExA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCanonicalizeExA ( PSTR  pszPathOut,
size_t  cchPathOut,
PCSTR  pszPathIn,
unsigned long  dwFlags 

◆ PathCchCanonicalizeExW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCanonicalizeExW ( PWSTR  pszPathOut,
size_t  cchPathOut,
PCWSTR  pszPathIn,
unsigned long  dwFlags 

◆ PathCchCanonicalizeW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCanonicalizeW ( PWSTR  pszPathOut,
size_t  cchPathOut,
PCWSTR  pszPathIn 

◆ PathCchCombineA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCombineA ( PSTR  pszPathOut,
size_t  cchPathOut,
PCSTR  pszPathIn,
PCSTR  pszMore 

◆ PathCchCombineExA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCombineExA ( PSTR  pszPathOut,
size_t  cchPathOut,
PCSTR  pszPathIn,
PCSTR  pszMore,
unsigned long  dwFlags 

◆ PathCchCombineExW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCombineExW ( PWSTR  pszPathOut,
size_t  cchPathOut,
PCWSTR  pszPathIn,
PCWSTR  pszMore,
unsigned long  dwFlags 

◆ PathCchCombineW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchCombineW ( PWSTR  pszPathOut,
size_t  cchPathOut,
PCWSTR  pszPathIn,
PCWSTR  pszMore 

◆ PathCchConvertStyleA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchConvertStyleA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
unsigned long  dwFlags 


Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathCchConvertStyleW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchConvertStyleW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
unsigned long  dwFlags 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathCchFindExtensionA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchFindExtensionA ( PCSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCSTR *  ppszExt 


Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathCchFindExtensionW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchFindExtensionW ( PCWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCWSTR *  ppszExt 

◆ PathCchIsRootA()

WINPR_API BOOL PathCchIsRootA ( PCSTR  pszPath)


◆ PathCchIsRootW()

WINPR_API BOOL PathCchIsRootW ( PCWSTR  pszPath)

◆ PathCchRemoveBackslashA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveBackslashA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 

◆ PathCchRemoveBackslashExA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveBackslashExA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PSTR *  ppszEnd,
size_t *  pcchRemaining 

◆ PathCchRemoveBackslashExW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveBackslashExW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PWSTR *  ppszEnd,
size_t *  pcchRemaining 

◆ PathCchRemoveBackslashW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveBackslashW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 

◆ PathCchRemoveExtensionA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveExtensionA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 


◆ PathCchRemoveExtensionW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveExtensionW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 

◆ PathCchRemoveFileSpecA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveFileSpecA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 


◆ PathCchRemoveFileSpecW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRemoveFileSpecW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 

◆ PathCchRenameExtensionA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRenameExtensionA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCSTR  pszExt 


◆ PathCchRenameExtensionW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchRenameExtensionW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCWSTR  pszExt 

◆ PathCchSkipRootA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchSkipRootA ( PCSTR  pszPath,
PCSTR *  ppszRootEnd 


◆ PathCchSkipRootW()

PCWSTR *  ppszRootEnd 

◆ PathCchStripPrefixA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchStripPrefixA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 


Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PathCchStripPrefixW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchStripPrefixW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PathCchStripToRootA()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchStripToRootA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 


◆ PathCchStripToRootW()

WINPR_API HRESULT PathCchStripToRootW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath 

◆ PathFileExistsA()

WINPR_API BOOL PathFileExistsA ( LPCSTR  pszPath)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathFileExistsW()

WINPR_API BOOL PathFileExistsW ( LPCWSTR  pszPath)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathGetSeparatorA()

WINPR_API char PathGetSeparatorA ( unsigned long  dwFlags)


Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathGetSeparatorW()

WINPR_API WCHAR PathGetSeparatorW ( unsigned long  dwFlags)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathGetSharedLibraryExtensionA()

WINPR_API PCSTR PathGetSharedLibraryExtensionA ( unsigned long  dwFlags)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathGetSharedLibraryExtensionW()

WINPR_API PCWSTR PathGetSharedLibraryExtensionW ( unsigned long  dwFlags)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PathIsDirectoryEmptyA()

WINPR_API BOOL PathIsDirectoryEmptyA ( LPCSTR  pszPath)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathIsDirectoryEmptyW()

WINPR_API BOOL PathIsDirectoryEmptyW ( LPCWSTR  pszPath)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathIsRelativeA()

WINPR_API BOOL PathIsRelativeA ( LPCSTR  pszPath)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathIsRelativeW()

WINPR_API BOOL PathIsRelativeW ( LPCWSTR  pszPath)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ PathIsUNCExA()

PCSTR *  ppszServer 


◆ PathIsUNCExW()

PCWSTR *  ppszServer 

◆ PathMakePathA()

WINPR_API BOOL PathMakePathA ( LPCSTR  path,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ PathMakePathW()

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ UnixPathAllocCombineA()

WINPR_API HRESULT UnixPathAllocCombineA ( PCSTR  pszPathIn,
PCSTR  pszMore,
unsigned long  dwFlags,
PSTR *  ppszPathOut 

◆ UnixPathAllocCombineW()

WINPR_API HRESULT UnixPathAllocCombineW ( PCWSTR  pszPathIn,
PCWSTR  pszMore,
unsigned long  dwFlags,
PWSTR *  ppszPathOut 

◆ UnixPathCchAddExtensionA()

WINPR_API HRESULT UnixPathCchAddExtensionA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCSTR  pszExt 

◆ UnixPathCchAddExtensionW()

WINPR_API HRESULT UnixPathCchAddExtensionW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCWSTR  pszExt 

◆ UnixPathCchAppendA()

WINPR_API HRESULT UnixPathCchAppendA ( PSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCSTR  pszMore 

◆ UnixPathCchAppendW()

WINPR_API HRESULT UnixPathCchAppendW ( PWSTR  pszPath,
size_t  cchPath,
PCWSTR  pszMore 

◆ winpr_DeleteFile()

WINPR_API BOOL winpr_DeleteFile ( const char *  lpFileName)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ winpr_MoveFile()

WINPR_API BOOL winpr_MoveFile ( LPCSTR  lpExistingFileName,
LPCSTR  lpNewFileName 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ winpr_MoveFileEx()

WINPR_API BOOL winpr_MoveFileEx ( LPCSTR  lpExistingFileName,
LPCSTR  lpNewFileName,
DWORD  dwFlags 
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ winpr_PathFileExists()

WINPR_API BOOL winpr_PathFileExists ( const char *  pszPath)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ winpr_PathMakePath()

WINPR_API BOOL winpr_PathMakePath ( const char *  path,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ winpr_RemoveDirectory()

WINPR_API BOOL winpr_RemoveDirectory ( LPCSTR  lpPathName)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ winpr_RemoveDirectory_RecursiveA()

WINPR_API BOOL winpr_RemoveDirectory_RecursiveA ( LPCSTR  lpPathName)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ winpr_RemoveDirectory_RecursiveW()

WINPR_API BOOL winpr_RemoveDirectory_RecursiveW ( LPCWSTR  lpPathName)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: